



On June 24, 1972 at 12 noon Ron Aliano opened the doors to American Ambulance Service, Inc. with two used ambulances and a small team of Emergency Medical Technicians, including himself, to serve Norwich, CT. The operation actually started operating out of his Cedar Street apartment while renovations to a home near a local service station, located across from the East Great Plains Fire Department, took place.


Moving The Fleet

In 1981 we moved our fleet of seven ambulances to 101 West Main Street. The Norwich Transportation Center now sits where this building once existed.


First Paramedic Program

In 1983 American hosted the first paramedic program in Eastern CT. There were 13 participants.


Construction Begins

In 1983 the construction process began for our current location.


Temporary Move During Construction

In 1984 we needed to make a temporary move while our building was under construction. We moved to the former Swan Cadillac Dealership located at 125 Sachem Street. The Arc of Eastern Connecticut’s office is now located there.


New Headquarters

In 1985 we moved into our existing building located at One American Way Norwich, CT. The apparatus bay was completed first and had to accommodate the entire team temporarily until the office section of the building was complete in 1986.


Our Educational Service is Born

On July 11, 1996 American Professional Educational Services was created to meet the demands of CPR education in the community.


Tribal Nation Contract

In July 1998 we became the contracted ambulance provider for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Foxwoods Resort Casino.


MACARA Vehicle Services is Born

On June 22, 2001 MACARA Vehicle Services was created to meet not only the maintenance requirement for our fleet but to provide service to any individual or business in the greater Norwich community.


Packard Rebuild

A fun fact from 2002 is the fact that our 1938, team member restored, Packard Ambulance made a cameo appearance in the feature film “Seabiscuit”.


Battenburg Livery

In 2010 we were the first service to introduce “Battenburg Livery” as a safety standard in our vehicle design. This was the first time we ever varied from the federal standards of vehicle design.

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